
Be there

Monday, June 30, 2014

I have always been somewhat of a multi tasker but recently have been working on being present with my focus and thoughts in relation to who I am with and where I am at. I read a quote that said, "your cannot multitask presence." And it really resonated with me. In the past week I have been saying silently to myself "wherever you are, be there." It has helped me BE with my children, BE with the silence that is around me and find joy in doing so. 
In high school Zach had a creative writing teacher that asked her students to "go there", to that place where the real core about you is. Where there might be pain. When I have had disappointments and let down expectations I have told myself to "go there" and not numb or distract myself from accepting what is. It might be true to say "where ever you are, (your present consciousness and situation), be there. (Be present and accepting)" I have been experiencing a lot of peace as I have done this. It's amazing what being present can do for a life. 

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